
Monday, April 22, 2013

4,000 FIERCE FANS Giveaway!!

Happy 4,000th LIKE to us!!  We absolutely love all of our fans sooo much, that we're offering this seriously awesome Fierce Forward bracelet as a prize! 

Ashley at Fierce Forward is the coolest chick around, and has a very inspirational story. She has so much to offer and is really making a mark on the world!  Watch out for her, because I predict she will be a huge name someday.  

She's also the real deal. The beads she uses for her bracelets are fair trade and the little bag that each one comes with is made of 100% recycled burlap. How fitting, for this Earth Day!  <3

And, if all of that wasn't enough, she's from my own state of Indiana!  We're practically sisters now!  Ha!

So, for real, enter to win this awesome dealio, and if you don't win get your butt over to her page and buy yourself one.  I adore mine!  I have three!  A black lava bead bracelet with a "Strength" charm, the "Less Sugar" and the "Eat More Greens" bracelets.  Each of those have a tiny little Fierce Forward logo dangling from them.  I love to mix and match my bracelets. I wear one at a time, or in a stack like this:

The rafflecopter is pretty self explanatory, but ask me any questions if you're not sure!  The more options you choose, the more chances you have of winning, so share/tweet and LIKE away!

Good luck!!  And, keep in mind that this is for U.S. addresses only.  Sorry to the international peeps, but shipping is pricey, yo!

I probably won't do another giveaway for awhile.  Maybe for 10,000!  Oh, what fun that will be! I love planning these giveaways and trying to find the most amazing things for you guys to try.  So, hopefully 10,000 comes soon!

Now, go WIN this!  xoxo

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I should win because Purpose is why I do what I do. Everything has Purpose - it's the reason I am determined, the reason I have goals, it's why I always aim higher or farther, it is the overall affect on everything. I am doing my first (of many) marathons on Saturday and I am doing it with Purpose in mind :)

  2. I should win the Purpose bracelet because it is one that I haven't bought yet from FierceForward. Purpose is what we all look for in our lives. I'm currently discovering my purpose in my life by trying out all kinds of new things; juicing, yoga, volunteering, meditation. I'm hoping that new experiences will shed light on my Purpose.

  3. My purpose in life is to be the healthiest and happiest role model I can be for our three year old son and four month old daughter! Teaching them to be active, eat clean, and treat their bodies well by my example is the greatest gift I could give them ♥

    1. Chad Crystal Froemming on Facebook.

  4. I am discovering new PURPOSE in my life! Besides turning my health around by eating clean and exercising, I am in the process of launching a new career adventure after 30+ yrs in the same profession!

  5. I already use symbolic bracelets in my health and fitness ventures-- I create a homemade bracelet with 13 beads for each half marathon that I run (each bead symbolizes a reason for me persevering to the finish line). I cherish those bracelets! I would love to have a purpose bracelet to wear daily as a constant reminder that everything that happens and everything we do (both "good" and "bad") has a purpose! This is something I truly believe and that has helped me through so many rough patches in my life. =)

  6. Finally finding myself at 38 - getting fit, following truth, KNOWING purpose!

  7. I should win the purpose bracelet because I think everyone has a purpose...some lead and some follow...some are followers that later become is an amazing process...i'm learning to better my health and my family's through eating better food and not succumbing to the microwave or boxed meals!

  8. At 23 taking control of my health and loosing 80 lbs in a years time by eating a completely unprocessed organic and mostly raw diet.
