
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

»»»--- HEART to HEART -----»

For those of you who don't know....hearts follow me. 
About 2 years ago, I asked for a sign, and since then, hearts literally show up everywhere I go. Not just actual heart shaped things, but things that accidentally look like hearts in nature. I take them as a good sign that I'm on the right journey.
From time to time I'm going to share one of my heart finds, along with a personal heart to heart story for you as a way to show you how much nutrition and health are affected by our "story".
I'm a master nutrition therapist by trade, but if there's one thing I've learned BIG TIME this year, it's that nutrition is just one *teeny tiny* part of the health equation.
So I'm going deeper. I have a lot more to offer than just nutrition advice. We are much more complicated than what our "diet" looks like. Amiright?? Let's talk about those things.
»» Let's go beyond the green smoothie. ««
I want to hear your stories and find out what feeds YOUR happy.
For example, this photo today is probably one of my favorite finds even though I have over 600 heart photos and just saw this one a few days ago. I was standing in the right spot, with just the right point of view, and two completely different pieces lined up to form a heart.
It was taken at my gym.
I say *my* gym for two reasons: I work there as a nutritionist, but it has also become a place where I found my strength. Not just the obvious muscle strength, but the ever elusive internal kind. Ahhh. 🙌
I haven't always been a "gym rat", in fact most of the time I exercised my excuse muscle more than anything else. But because I am always striving to be better, and determined to be stronger, emotionally and physically, than ever, I've managed to create a habit of hitting the gym 5-6 days a week for the first time in my life.
»» And I'm freaking proud of that. ««
It feeds my happy. It's nourishment for my soul. The obvious physical effects are one thing....but the internal confidence and belief in myself are priceless. 
What are you doing to conquer your demons and become a better you? Are you striving to become the best version of you or have you given up hope? How can I help you feed your happy? 

Big love and magic!  ~ Christy <3

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